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Selling Your Membership
Here's what you need to know...

As with everything in life, the only constant is change. As your family grows, you may find that the club no longer meets your needs. When that time comes, you may sell your membership to another family. Here’s what you need to know.

How do I sell my membership?
Log into your Account.  Complete the Sell and Release Membership form found here. Questions? Please contact the Membership Director at membership@oakgroveswim.com.

Do I have to pay the dues and assessment if my membership is for sale?
Yes. You are responsible for paying the dues and assessment prior to the due date in order to avoid paying late fees. Once your membership sells, you will be reimbursed the prorated amount of the dues and assessments as well as the membership sale amount if you have been a member for at least 12 months.

Can I transfer my membership to another family instead of selling it through the club?  You can find a buyer for your membership and then notify the Membership Director by filling out the Transfer Membership form to complete the transfer.

How does the Membership Director determine whose membership sells first?
Memberships are sold in the order based on selling price and then when the request was received (first in, first out).

Once my membership sells, what else do I need to do to receive my money?
You need to turn in your key to the membership director and complete the Sell and Release Membership form.

Once my membership sells, how long is it until I receive my money?
Once all the forms are forwarded to the bookkeeper, a check will be requested. Checks are cut two times a month (around the 5th and 20th of the month). If you provide a VENMO account, you will receive your money once the entire transaction is completed.

If my membership is sold and I haven’t received a check, who should I contact to find out the status?
Contact the Oak Grove bookkeeper at bookkeeper@oakgroveswim.com.

Do I get all of the dues and assessment money returned to me when my membership sells?
You are responsible for the dues and assessment from the beginning of the year until the sale date. If you have been a member for at least 12 months, the dues and assessment amount is prorated from the beginning of the swim season, and you will receive the prorated amount for the remaining part of the year.

Do I get a check for the entire amount that the membership sold?
You will receive your membership sales amount minus any member charges on your account, and if you have been a member for at least 12 months, you will also receive the dues and assessment prorated amount.